'Thor: Ragnarok' is a superhero fantasy film which stars Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett and Mark Ruffalo. This film is directed by Taika Waititi.
Any competition is already green with envy with the early success of this new chapter of the MCU cannon. Marvel knew that their new superhero film would need a little something special to compete with DC's upcoming Justice League and that is to dial the style up to eleven by hiring New Zealand director Taika Waititi, his zany flair was a sure fire guarantee for some needed originality.
To my surprise and admitted disappointment, the film was not as visually crazy as it was marketed to be, the film certainly has it's eye catching moments of style, but despite the hype, Marvel has already made more visually captivating films with the Guardians of the Galaxy. The main different between this film and the other Marvel film's is that it plays as more of a comedy than previous avengers related films, for the most part it's successful in creating an amusing and entertaining story with a good amount of character development for it's main characters. For me the highlight is seeing Thor and Hulk/Bruce Banner conversing with each other, Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo have a good comedic chemistry between each other which makes the characters all the more human, despite their characters god-like capabilities.
If some of you were hoping for a compelling villain then turn away because you won't find one here. Although Cate Blanchett tries here best at hamming up her performance, the writing is just not there for her to play a villain that you are interested in, plus the fact that each opportunity for her to be threatening is bundled because the film is pushing the humour as far as it can go, even in places were it hurts the tone.
Overall 'Thor: Ragnarok' is a film which fits in slightly above average marvel fare with fun moments, good pacing, but again another weak villain. it's well made fun and uplifting entertainment, but it's a film which I doubt I'll remember in the future.
Any competition is already green with envy with the early success of this new chapter of the MCU cannon. Marvel knew that their new superhero film would need a little something special to compete with DC's upcoming Justice League and that is to dial the style up to eleven by hiring New Zealand director Taika Waititi, his zany flair was a sure fire guarantee for some needed originality.
To my surprise and admitted disappointment, the film was not as visually crazy as it was marketed to be, the film certainly has it's eye catching moments of style, but despite the hype, Marvel has already made more visually captivating films with the Guardians of the Galaxy. The main different between this film and the other Marvel film's is that it plays as more of a comedy than previous avengers related films, for the most part it's successful in creating an amusing and entertaining story with a good amount of character development for it's main characters. For me the highlight is seeing Thor and Hulk/Bruce Banner conversing with each other, Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo have a good comedic chemistry between each other which makes the characters all the more human, despite their characters god-like capabilities.
If some of you were hoping for a compelling villain then turn away because you won't find one here. Although Cate Blanchett tries here best at hamming up her performance, the writing is just not there for her to play a villain that you are interested in, plus the fact that each opportunity for her to be threatening is bundled because the film is pushing the humour as far as it can go, even in places were it hurts the tone.
Overall 'Thor: Ragnarok' is a film which fits in slightly above average marvel fare with fun moments, good pacing, but again another weak villain. it's well made fun and uplifting entertainment, but it's a film which I doubt I'll remember in the future.
Rating: 7/10
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