Doctor Strange (spoiler-free review)

Doctor Strange

BBFC Certificate: 12A

'Doctor Strange' is a superhero fantasy film which stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams and Tilda Swindon. The film is directed by Scott Derrickson.

Branching out even further as Marvel expands it's cinematic universe even further with this fantasy flick. While Marvel is well known for incorporating new elements from different genres in their more recent films, 'Doctor Strange' is where they have truly pushed the boat out in establishing a new breed of superhero films. What I was most impressed by was the fact that it wasn't really a superhero film, but more of a mystical fantasy film, rather than just hinting at the fantasy genre 'Doctor Strange' actually is part of it.

It goes without saying that the visual effects are spectacular, not just in the scope of the grand 'illusion' scenes, but they also manage to capture the very finest detail when the magic is introduced.  Another thing to note  is how well structured this film is, unlike previous marvel films, this film does not relay on being an advertisement for a sequel or spin off (discounting the stinger). Benedict Cumberbatch is well suited for the role as is Tilda Swinton who turns in another great performance despite the smaller role. The visual direction and cinematography is excellent, using soft lighting to give the film a much needed whimsical appearance. Although despite these qualities I do have minor problems with this film such as the on and off humour and the over emphasis of exposition in some of the dialog.

Rating: 8/10
