99 Homes

99 Homes

BBFC Certificate: 15

'99 Homes' is an independent drama film which is directed by Ramin Bahrani and stars Andrew Garfield and Micheal Shannon.

Many reviewers have labeled this film as a thriller, however I disagree. Because of the talent involved and the way the screenplay is written it plays out much more as a thought provoking drama. '99 Homes' keeps you tightly locked in due to excellent performances from Garfield and Shannon and the reflective dialogue about how the economy only saves the elite. Setting the film in Orlando, Florida is the perfect location for the story because of the extreme differences between the poor and the rich. The film really makes you care about the lead character by reason of Bahrani's direction. The use of shots create intimacy between the character and the audience, without the writing becoming too sentimental.
The film may have a little too much exposition, but the films overall quality makes up for it.

Rating: 9/10
