The Lego Batman Movie (Review)

'The Lego Batman Movie' is a animated comedy film which stars Will Arnett, Rosario Dawson, Micheal Cera and Ralph Fiennes. This film is directed by Chris McKay.

Perhaps more anticipated than it should be, The Lego Batman Movie brings us the return of Will Arnett's fan favorite interpretation of Batman from 2014's hit 'The Lego Movie'. Keeping with the colorful stop motion-like animation of The Lego Movie this film once again shows off the talents of the animators, each scene feels detailed and thoroughly designed. While some people will focus on how this film makes jokes about the current DC extended universe, it is worth noting the jokes also thrown at Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, there was one which I found particular amusing during the opening credits. The writers and filmmakers sure have a love for the batman franchise as references are made from every corner of Batman history.

While the story of this film is admittedly similar to 'The Lego Movie' I found to enjoy it more because of the films more reduced world which is for the most part only set in Gotham so there is less world building for the audience to sit through and as a spin off to a recent film, that's how it should be. I was entertained throughout the majority of this film and found most of the humour to be funny. The main issue for me was that there was too much humour and not enough narrative stakes and although going in to 'The Lego Batman Movie' you should expect many references to Batman and other superhero films I think that a little too much of the humour relied on those pop culture references. Overall The Lego Batman Movie doesn't break any new ground, but it's an entertaining and humour filled film that's is certainly worth watching if your a Batman fan.

Rating: 7/10
